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Daily-mcqs 21 Jan 2025

Current Affairs MCQs for UPSC & State PSC Exams 21 Jan 2025

Current Affairs MCQs for UPSC & State PSC Exams


Consider the following statements about Olive Ridley Turtles:

1.   Olive Ridley Turtles are the largest sea turtles globally.

2.   They are known for their unique "arribadas" or synchronized mass nesting on beaches.

3.   The primary diet of Olive Ridley Turtles consists of plants and algae.

How many of the above statements are correct?

A: Only 1

B: Only 2

C: All three

D: None

Answer: A


  • Statement 1 is incorrect: Olive Ridley Turtles are the second-smallest sea turtles, not the largest.

  • Statement 2 is correct: Olive Ridley Turtles are famous for their "arribadas," where thousands of females nest together on the same beach.

  • Statement 3 is incorrect: Olive Ridley Turtles are carnivorous, The primary diet of Olive Ridley Turtles is not consists of plants and algae.



Consider the following statements regarding the conservation status of Olive Ridley Turtles:

1.   Olive Ridley Turtles are listed as "Vulnerable" on the IUCN Red List.

2.   They are listed under Appendix II of CITES for trade regulation.

3.   The primary threats to their conservation include egg collection, marine debris, and climate change.

How many of the above statements are correct?

A: Only 1

B: Only 2

C: All three

D: None

Answer: B


  • Statement 1 is correct: Olive Ridley Turtles are listed as "Vulnerable" on the IUCN Red List.

  • Statement 2 is incorrect: Olive Ridley Turtles are listed under Appendix I of CITES, not Appendix II, which prohibits trade.

  • Statement 3 is correct: The major threats to their conservation include unsustainable egg collection, marine debris, climate change, and other factors.



Which of the following countries was officially admitted as a "partner country" of the BRICS bloc in 2025?

A: Saudi Arabia

B: Nigeria

C: Argentina

D: Pakistan

Answer: B


Nigeria was officially admitted as a "partner country" of the BRICS bloc, alongside other nations such as Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, and Kazakhstan. BRICS expanded its membership to include new partners as part of its broader aim to strengthen alliances among developing nations.



Which of the following is a key initiative of the BRICS bloc aimed at providing financial liquidity support to member countries facing balance of payments difficulties?

A: New Development Bank (NDB)

B: Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA)

C: BRICS Payment System

D: South-South Cooperation Fund

Answer: B


The Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) is a financial mechanism developed by BRICS to provide  liquidity support to member countries facing balance of payments difficulties. It is one of the key initiatives to enhance economic stability among the member states.



Assertion: India is projected to maintain a growth rate of 6.7% in FY26 and FY27, making it the fastest-growing major economy globally.
Reasoning: This growth rate is significantly higher than the global average of 2.7%.

Which of the options is correct?

A: Both the assertion and the reasoning are correct, and the reasoning correctly explains the assertion.

B: Both the assertion and the reasoning are correct, but the reasoning does not explain the assertion.

C: The assertion is correct, but the reasoning is incorrect.

D: The assertion is incorrect, but the reasoning is correct.

Answer: A


The assertion is correct as India is projected to continue growing at a rate of 6.7% in the upcoming fiscal years. The reasoning is also accurate, explaining that India's growth rate significantly outpaces the global average of 2.7%, which demonstrates India's strong and resilient economic performance. Both the assertion and the reasoning are correct, and the reasoning correctly explains the assertion.