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Daily-current-affairs / 10 Mar 2021

Vaccine Passports : Daily Current Affairs


Vaccine Passports

In News

France and Spain are planning to launch COVID-19 vaccine passports very soon.


This announcements was made a day after when China already launched its ‘digital vaccine certificates’ that is domestically taken for trial and will soon be open for international travel.

How helpful will be Vaccine passport?

European Union has decided to come up with ‘Digital Green Pass’ that will provide proof that a person has been vaccinated, results of tests for those who couldn’t get a vaccine yet and information on COVID-19 recovery enabling residents to move safely within the E.U. and abroad.

Israel has also implemented similar program named ‘green pass’. It is expected that if this program becomes successful then it would be the fastest means of controlling COVID-19.

This program will give maximum benefit to Universities, Hotels, Airlines and above all economies that are based on tourism.