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Daily-current-affairs / 25 Mar 2021

Haryana has highest unemployment rate in India - report by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) : Daily Current Affairs


Haryana has highest unemployment rate in India - report by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE)

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Haryana has recorded the highest unemployment rate in the country as per the monthly report released by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy.


With the impact of COVID and slowdown of the economy Haryana did not succeed in creating employment. Haryana’s unemployment rate is 26.4% that is nearly four times the national average of 6.9%.

Unemployment spiked in the state due to dip in jobless figures in January 2021. The month-wise report of CMIE disclosed unemployment scenario was subject to market volatility throughout the year.

This condition of unemployment indicates Government’s inability to help the MSMEs to recover from COVID’s impact. Moreover, reservation laws have also accelerated negative sentiments in the service sector.

Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE)

CMIE, or Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy, is a leading business information company. It was established in 1976, primarily as an independent think tank.

CMIE has built India's largest database on the financial performance of individual companies; it conducts the largest survey to estimate household incomes, pattern of spending and savings; it runs a unique monitoring of new investment projects on hand and it has created the largest integrated database of the Indian economy.

CMIE is a privately owned and professionally managed company head-quartered at Mumbai.