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Info-pedia / 13 Jan 2024

Info-pedia : Bio-Imaging Bank



       Mumbai's Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH) pioneers AI in cancer detection with a 'Bio-Imaging Bank.'

What are Bio Imaging Bank

       A repository with radiology and pathology images, clinical details, and outcome data.

       Designed for AI algorithm training and testing, focusing on head and neck plus lung cancers.

       Utilizes deep learning with data from 60,000 patients for cancer-specific algorithms.

       Initially targets 1000 patients for each cancer type, emphasizing early detection tasks.

       Funded by the Department of Biotechnology, in collaboration with IIT-Bombay and others.

AI in Early Cancer Detection:

       Analyzes images to identify unique features associated with different cancers.

       TMH teams annotate images, correlating with biopsy results and genomic sequences for algorithm development.


       AI achieves 98% accuracy in early diagnosis post-doctor cross-check.

       Tailors treatment based on diverse patient profiles, optimizing therapy outcomes.

       Reduces pediatric CT scan radiation exposure by 40%.