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Blog / 07 Feb 2020

(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) In Depth: Trump Impeachment Failed


(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) In Depth: Trump Impeachment Failed

Topic: Trump Impeachment Failed

Topic Description:

U.S. President Donald Trump has been found not guilty in his high-profile impeachment trial.

In a historic vote on Wednesday, the United States Senate decided not to remove America's 45th president from office, clearing him of the two articles of impeachment - abuse of power and obstruction to Congress.

The Republican-majority Senate voted 52-48 to acquit Trump of abuse of power and 53-47 to acquit him of obstruction of Congress.

A two-thirds majority vote was needed to remove Trump in the 100-member Senate.

The acquittal comes as a major political and moral victory in the election year for Donald Trump, will now become the first impeached president to seek re-election.

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Courtesy: RSTV