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Blog / 12 Mar 2020

(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) In Depth: Russian President Vladimir Putin to stay in power for 12 years


(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) In Depth: Russian President Vladimir Putin to stay in power for 12 years

Topic: Russian President Vladimir Putin to stay in power for 12 years

Topic Description:

The Russian parliament approved a sweeping constitutional reform on Wednesday.

In effect it will allow Russian President Vladimir Putin to stay in power for 12 years more years after his current term ends in 2024.

The Kremlin-controlled lower house, the State Duma, endorsed amendments to the Constitution that effectively resets the number of terms that Putin can stand for President to zero.

At present Russia allows a President a maximum of 2 terms of 6 years each. Putin is in his second term.

A nationwide vote on the proposed amendments is set for 22nd April.

The constitutional reform will also be reviewed by Russia's Constitutional Court.

Putin, a 67-year-old former KGB officer, has ruled Russia for more than 20 years. Putin shifted to prime minister's seat in 2008, with his close ally Dmitry Medvedev becoming a placeholder president.

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Courtesy: RSTV