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Blog / 05 Feb 2020

(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) In Depth: Locust Attack


(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) In Depth: Locust Attack

Topic: Locust Attack

Topic Description:

In recent weeks, locust swarms have attacked crops in more than a dozen countries in Asia and Africa.

The United Nations says the situation is extremely alarming in three regions - the Horn of Africa, the Red Sea area, and southwest Asia.

The Horn of Africa is the worst-affected area.

Locust swarms from Ethiopia and Somalia have reached south to Kenya and 14 other countries in the continent.

In the Red Sea area, locusts have struck Saudi Arabia, Oman and Yemen.

In southwest Asia, locust swarms have damaged in Iran, Pakistan and India.

Huge swarms of locusts have struck border villages in Rajasthan, Gujarat and Punjab - causing heavy damage to standing crop prompting state governments to sound high alert against locust attacks.

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Courtesy: RSTV

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