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Blog / 03 Oct 2019

(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) In Depth: Data : Climate Change & India


(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) In Depth: Data : Climate Change & India

Topic: Climate Change & India

Topic Description:

Over the past few days, large parts of Bihar and several areas in Uttar Pradesh have been reeling under floods due to excessive rainfall. A similar situation was witnessed in Mumbai last month, where heavy downpour and massive water logging caused mayhem. A few months ago, more than three dozen people died in one of the longest heatwaves in the country with temperatures reaching 48 degrees Celsius. Not just in India, such extreme weather events have been witnessed globally, making it the most pressing issue in the present times. Today in INDEPTH, we talk about the devastating impact of climate change worldwide, in particular in India and how governments the world over are struggling to minimize the impacts caused by climate change. 

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Courtesy: RSTV

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